If you feel stuck or recognize constant patterns of repeating havoc in your life, including mishaps, heartaches, heartbreaks, trauma, sickness, addictions & you are really, really fed up!
If you are ready to relaunch & be the greatness you might sense inside, but you persistently struggle to tap into or release for the world to benefit!
AND you are open to the concept of LETTING JESUS IN TO FIX WHAT HAS STAYED BROKEN TOO LONG ...even if you look all cool outside!
Then this message is for you!
A Guide from Failure to Faith to Fulfilment
Here's Why...
Any Broken Person DESPERATE FOR CHANGE can
Recover from their crushed lives, dreams, and visions...
Like the Professional Lady from Bournemouth UK who had her marriage supernaturally restored at one of our meetings in West Midlands UK.
I came to your UK all weekend encounter meeting with my live-in boyfriend. My husband and I had separated pending divorce. He had a new partner also, and the kids were with him. You had a prophetic word at the Friday all-night miracle service, which sounded quite ridiculously impossible to me.
Long story, but within a month, the word came through. Our partners were no more, and we had moved back together with our children. Our immigration papers held up for years came through. We have burnt the divorce papers, and the joy of marriage was restored. GOD truly is great...

Becoming greater than they ever envisioned...
Like Lawyer B from London UK, who had a dream she dared NOT dwell on because it was 'impossible'.
I came to your conference in the UK, twenty years ago. I was a successful lawyer. Pastor Momi subsequently prophesied to me about marriage. I was happy but apprehensive because I was a 50-year-old single mother with a teenage daughter. Who would marry me but worse still, how could I drop my independent lifestyle?
It was scary when my miracle appeared; He is very GOD fearing, gentle, and kind. I refused to commit as I was scared of 'complicating' my professional life, needing to change names on documents, title deeds, dropping all my independence to submit, etc.! The list seemed endless, and all seemed scary.
Pastor Rapha-El and Momi counseled me and challenged me to prayerfully choose based on my desires, faith, or fears. I finally chose to believe in GOD, and we've been married for 18 years. It is the best decision I ever made! To GOD be the glory.
By taking the BROKEN JARS CAN STILL CARRY OIL program...
Like the Interior Designer & Author/Publisher, Lagos Nigeria - who experienced lifelong RESENTMENTS BROKEN just by reading the book.
I carried a lot of 'justified' resentments and hurts from my childhood. Reading your book 'Broken Jars still Carry oil' broke something in me. I am finally able to forgive, understand and move on.
Or the Manager at a Hotel chain, Lower Mainland, BC Canada who experienced a noticeable LIFE CHANGE just by taking the first step by reading the book:
I can't say I had any faith. I was given the book 'Broken Jars still carry oil. I am now open to explore the Christian faith you talk about.

Because it energizes the gifting inside to guide you from failure to faith to fulfillment.
I WANT IN NOW!You need to realize there is a high, sometimes terminal cost to not properly dealing with this...
You see, what most people do when they are Broken is,
STAY in the hole and never recover,
PUT-ON a band-aid and keep stumbling from one havoc to another
IGNORE the internal wounds that still hurt, and fester, never totally dealing with them
FOCUS-ON dealing with the physical using alcohol, drugs, and medication
GET HELP with their souls through various therapeutic techniques like counseling, mentoring self-help, or online models.
INVEST in non-holistic models, i.e., ignore the 'pure and safe' Spirit-Soul-Body Model that we teach
For most people, none of that ultimately helps because even when ‘successful’ on the outside.
The bitterness of yesterday keeps polluting today and tomorrow
The internal wounds cause various infirmities and sometimes terminal illnesses
The same issues pop out in multiple cycles of pains and hurt
They self-medicate with different substances and habits
And if left unchecked, there is a breaking point when IRREPARABLE damage can be done.
In the past, it used to be around middle-age but increasingly, even the very young are so traumatized and ‘irreparably damaged’ except they encounter the miracle-working GOD. It will be our privilege to be that conduit.
Broken Jars Can Still Carry Oil Program
From Failure Through Faith to Fulfillment
We are so confident of the transformation we have provided various programs depending on your learning style and personality preferences.

Option 1
This powerful guide for all the BJCSCO programs will get you started on your self-help journey or quest to help others you care about.
It's easy to read and has freedom prayer guides at the end of each chapter to move you on the journey from Failure through Faith to Fulfillment.
It's exciting to see changes in people who have read this book and how their lives have gotten back on track.

Option 2
BJCSCO 24/7 AudioVisual
POWER PACKED Modules from start to finish. Filled with audiovisual content and downloads. 24/7, 365/7 access so you can proceed at your pace, irrespective of time zone and learning style.

Option 3
The "REIMAGINED LIFE" Power Mastermind
A life-changing transformative mastermind course, including
- Four In-person worldwide weekend retreats spread over Sixteen weeks,
- Regular mastermind & Q/A sessions,
- One year of 24/7 access to audiovisual content, podcasts, and downloadable worksheets & material from the Academy site,
- Access to personal coaching and clarity calls (Extra & Subject to availability on a first-come, first-served)
- Etc etc etc...

Option 4
Very few spots each year
Subject to a clarity call to determine if it's a right fit for both parties.